In this section :

Pressure Ulcer: References 

Accreditation Canada. Required Organizational Practices Handbook. Ottawa, ON: Accreditation Canada. Published 2020.

AHS Channel. Jessie - Pressure Injury Story. November 2019. Accessed January 2021.

Canadian Patient Safety Institute. Never Events for Hospital Care in Canada: Safer Care for Patients. Canadian Patient Safety Institute; 2015

Chan B, Ieraci L, Mitsakakis N, Pham B, Krahn M. Net costs of hospital-acquired and pre-admission PUs among older people hospitalised in Ontario. J Wound Care. 2013;22(7):341-346. doi:10.12968/jowc.2013.22.7.341

European Pressure Ulcer Advisory Panel, National Pressure Injury, Advisory Panel, Pan Pacific Pressure Injury Alliance. Prevention and Treatment of Pressure Ulcers/Injuries: Quick Reference Guide. (Emily Haesler, ed.). EPUAP/NPIAP/PPPIA; 2019.

Health Standards Organization. Implementation of Turning Clocks for Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Management. HSO Leading Practices Library. Published January 8, 2015. Accessed January 1, 2021.

Institute for Healthcare Improvement. How-to Guide: Prevent Pressure Ulcers. Cambridge, MA: IHI; 2011.

Institute for Healthcare Improvement. IHI Improvement Map: Prevention of Pressure Ulcers. Cambridge, MA: IHI; 2012. Accessed 2016. (out of print)

Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Pressure Ulcers. Published n.d. Accessed January 1, 2021.

NHS Midlands and East. The Swans' Story.; 2012. Accessed January 1, 2021.

Norton L, Parslow N, Johnston D, et al. Chapter 3: Best Practice Recommendations for the Prevention and Management of Pressure Injuries. In: Foundations of Best Practice for Skin and Wound Management. Wounds Canada; 2018:31-43. Accessed February 17, 2021.

Woodbury MG, Houghton PE. Prevalence of pressure ulcers in Canadian healthcare settings. Ostomy Wound Manage. 2004;50(10):22-38.

Pressure Ulcer

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Pressure Ulcer

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