In this section :

Viral Gastroenteritis: Surveillance, Outbreak Management

HAI surveillance: should be performed to guide infection prevention and control interventions and detect outbreaks, with timely feedback of results to healthcare workers and stakeholders and through national networks (World Health Organization 2016)

Outbreak Management: outbreaks of both infectious and noninfectious adverse events can occur in any healthcare setting and pose a threat to patient safety. Regardless of scope, investigation of a potential outbreak involves certain epidemiological components. Cooperation between healthcare epidemiologists, infection preventionists, and public health experts is important in effectively managing outbreak responses in healthcare settings. The ultimate goal of any outbreak investigation is to identify probable contributing factors and to stop or reduce the risk for future occurrences (Campbell 2014).

For guidance on how to conduct surveillance and / or outbreak management, these resources maybe helpful.


Viral Gastroenteritis

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Viral Gastroenteritis

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