Program overview :

What Our Members Do

As a world leader in patient engagement Patients for Patient Safety Canada (PFPSC) members have over 100 opportunities to partner in patient safety improvement initiatives every year. We partner with Healthcare Excellence Canada (HEC) in ensuring that 100% of their programs and initiatives represent the patient perspective. 

Interested in partnering with PFPSC? Please contact us at: patients4safety@hec-esc-ca or 1-866-421-6933.  

Partner with us

Here are some examples of how we contributed to safer care recently: 

Resources we developed  

Tools & Resources


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Webinars we hosted 

  • New Zealand’s approach to healing after harm from surgical mesh  
  • Reimagining healing after healthcare harm: the potential for restorative practices 
  • Patient and Family Engagement Strategies & Contributions in the COVID-19 Pandemic 
  • Keeping Seniors Safe 
  • EVERY patient should experience safe care
  • Indigenous Perspectives on Patient Safety 
  • Patients and families as partners in detecting the deteriorating patient condition 
  • Getting the public ready to engage in making care safer: lessons from the anti-smoking movement 
  • Tips on ways to share your story 
  • How can we make the partnership with patients and families more impactful? 
  • You`re kidding, right? Patients to help with antimicrobial resistance? 
  • Patient engagement in medication safety at the point of care – roles and responsibilities 
  • Tips for patient engagement in patient safety and quality committees 
  • Tips for patient family engagement with health authorities   
  • How to care for yourself when representing the patient voice 

Publications we co-authored or which featured us  

Some of our partners: 

  • Atlantic Health Quality and Patient Safety Collaborative 
  • Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing 
  • Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement 
  • Coalition for Safe and Effective Pain Management 
  • Canadian Medical Protective Association 
  • Health Quality Ontario 
  • Health Standards Organization/ Accreditation Canada 
  • Healthcare Excellence Canada 
  • Healthcare Insurance Reciprocal of Canada 
  • HealthCareCAN 
  • Institute for Safe Medication Practices Canada 
  • National Patient Safety Consortium 
  • Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons 
  • World Health Organization  

Partner with us 
