2009 EXTRA Improvement Projects

The EXTRA advisory council, chaired by the former Quebec minister of health and social services Dr. Jean Rochon, met on April 23 and 24, 2009 to evaluate the applications received for the competition. Twenty-eight fellowships were awarded.

The 2009 fellows are listed in alphabetical order, and the list includes the title of their intervention projects*. These projects provide an opportunity for fellows to actively apply what they have learned in the EXTRA program in response to a specific issue in their home organization.

Sonia Bélanger, Directrice générale adjointe, Centre de santé et de services sociaux Jardins-Roussillon, Châteauguay, Québec
Project: Modernizing home support services supported by information technology (IT)

Agostino Bellissimo, Chief, Department of Emergency Medicine, St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton, Ontario
Project: Improving Patient Outcomes with Evidence Supported Computerized Physician Order Entry

Heather Brown, Vice President, Rural Health, Central Regional Health Authority, Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
Project: Advancing Realignment of Primary and Secondary Health Services in a Rural Canadian Context

Pat Campbell, Chief Executive Officer, ECHO: Improving Women's Health in Ontario, Toronto, Ontario
Project: Improving Women's Health Through Policy Intervention

Gerardo Castaneda, Chief Information Officer, St. Joseph's Healthcare, Hamilton, Ontario
Project: Improving Patient Outcomes with Evidence Supported Computerized Physician Order Entry

Daniel Castonguay, Directeur général, Centre de santé et des services sociaux Richelieu-Yamaska, St-Hyacinthe, Québec
Project: From Resource Management to Knowledge Management

Yves Desjardins, Directeur, Information de la qualité et de la performance, Centre de santé et des services sociaux Sud-Ouest-Verdun, Montréal, Québec
Project: Clinical governance and organizational performance

Sarah Downey, Vice President, Princess Margaret Hospital, University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario
Project: Redesign of Ambulatory Care Services at Princess Margaret Hospital

Susan Drouin, Associate Director, Nursing, Women's Health Mission, McGill University Health Centre, Montréal, Québec
Project: An Innovative Integrated Healthcare Delivery Model for the New MUHC

Dana E. Erickson , Vice-President & Chief Administrative Officer, Health Sciences Centre, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, Manitoba
Project: Developing a Strategic Needs-Based Population Health Methodology

Barbara Fitzgerald , Director, Nursing, Princess Margaret Hospital, University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario
Project: Redesign of Ambulatory Care Services at Princess Margaret Hospital

Myriam Giguère, Directrice, Direction des services hospitaliers, Centre hospital universitaire de Montréal, Québec
Project: CHUM is focusing on a healthy diet: a question of quality

Sean Hardiman, Chief Liaison Officer, Northern Health, Prince George, British Columbia
Project: Surgical Services Model Design and Implementation for Rural BC Communities

Nazlin Hirji , Director, Nursing/Patient Care, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, Ontario
Project: Planning for Success: An Evidence-Based Approach to Preparing Nurses for an EPR

Glenn Kissman , Manager, Home and Community Care Information Systems, Interior Health, Kelowna, British Columbia
Project: Reducing Hospital Utilization Through Early Management of High-risk Community Clients

Christina Krause, Executive Director, BC Patient Safety & Quality Council, Vancouver, British Columbia
Project: The Value and Characteristics of Networks to Foster System-Level Change

Janet McElhaney , Physician Program Director, Elder Care Program, Providence Health Care, Vancouver, British Columbia
Project: Minimizing Functional Decline in Older Adults During Acute Hospital Admission

Wayne Miller, Senior Director, Corporate Strategy and Research, Eastern Health, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador
Project: Development of Governance Assessment Tools to Promote Patient Safety

Malcolm Moore , Chief of Medical Services, Head, Division of Medical Oncology and Hematology, Princess Margaret Hospital, University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario
Project: Redesign of Ambulatory Care Services at Princess Margaret Hospital

Jacqueline Nobiss , Director, Aboriginal Health Services, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority, Manitoba
Project: Pre- and Post-Hospital Notification: Improving Aboriginal Patient Outcomes

Wayne Overbo , Senior Health Economic Policy Advisory, Health & Social Services, Government of the Northwest Territories, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
Project: Economic and Program Influences on Health Care Reform in the NWT

Doug Prince, Director, Health Services - Exploits, Central Regional Health Authority, Grand Falls-Windsor, Newfoundland and Labrador
Project: Advancing Realignment of Primary and Secondary Health Services in a Rural Canadian Context

Yolaine Rioux , Directrice, Programmes de santé publique, Centre de santé et des services sociaux Richelieu-Yamaska, St-Hyacinthe, Québec
Project: From Resource Management to Knowledge Management

Jean Rousseau, Chef d'unité, Programme de dépistage, génétique et lutte au cancer, Institut national de santé publique du Québec, Québec
Project: Managing Change: New Processes for Producing Scientific Reports and Recommendations

Paula Rozanski, Director, Diagnostic Services, McGill University Health Centre, Montréal, Québec
Project: An Innovative Integrated Healthcare Delivery Model for the New MUHC

David Schramm, Surgical Director, University of Ottawa Auditory Implant Program, The Ottawa Hospital, Ontario
Project: Development of a Quality Performance Scorecard

David Thompson, Corporate Director, Seniors Care, Providence Health Care, Vancouver, British Columbia
Project: Minimizing Functional Decline in Older Adults During Acute Hospital Admission

Elaine Unsworth, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Elder Care Program, Providence Health Care, Vancouver, British Columbia
Project: Minimizing Functional Decline in Older Adults During Acute Hospital Admission