2004 EXTRA Improvement Projects

The EXTRA advisory council, chaired by the former Quebec minister of health and social services, Dr. Jean Rochon, met on April 29 and 30, 2004 to evaluate the 47 applications eligible for the competition. Twenty-four fellowships were awarded.

The 2004 fellows are listed in alphabetical order, and the list includes the title of their intervention projects

Pierre Jean Allard, Chef, Division de Médecine Palliative, Service de Santé SCO - Ontario
Project: Developing a Strategic Plan to Ensure Basic Palliative Care Skills in Physicians Trained at the University of Ottawa

Luc Boileau, Président-directeur général, Agence de développement de réseaux locaux de services de santé et de services sociaux de la Montérégie - Québec
Project: Development and Systematic Adjustments in Regional Supervision of RLSs to Maximize Supply of Services and Action on Health and Wellbeing Based on a Population-Based Approach

Lindsay Campbell, Interim Vice-President, Population Health & Resources, Cape Breton District Health Authority - Nova Scotia
Project: Hospitalization for Ambulatory Care Sensitive Conditions: Reduction in Admissions Through Chronic Disease Prevention and Management

Maureen Cava, Manager, Professional Practice, Planning and Policy Directorate, Toronto Public Health - Ontario
Project: Professional Practice Framework for Toronto Public Health

Marilyn Field, Assistant Deputy Minister, Human Resources, Public Service Secretariat, Government of Newfoundland & Labrador - Newfoundland and Labrador
Project: Increasing Organizational Performance by Cultivating Stronger Employment Relationships: How Human Resource Management Strategies Can Increase Quality of Care

Sonja Glass, Corporate Manager, Risk Management and Quality Improvement, Grey Bruce Health Services - Ontario
Project: Creating a Patient Safety Culture at Grey Bruce Health Services

David Goldstein, Medical Director, Acute Pain Services, Kingston General Hospital - Ontario
Project: Promoting the use of portable computers for the assessment of patients on acute pain services

Heather Hoxby, Director of Nursing Practice, St. Joseph's Hospital - Ontario
Project: Implementation of Nursing Best Practice Guidelines in an Ontario Urban Teaching Hospital

Kirsten Krull-Naraj, Vice-President and Chief Nursing Officer, Patient Care Services, Royal Victoria Hospital - Ontario
Project: An Integrated System of Primary and Secondary Care to Deliver Health Care at the Right Place, at the Right Time, and at a Research-Based Standard

Esther Leclerc, Directrice, Direction des soins infirmiers, Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal - Québec
Project: Review of Delivery/Quality-Security-Continuity Models in a Context of Scarce Human, Financial, and Material Resources

Nancy Lefebre, Vice-President, Knowledge and Practice, Saint Elizabeth Health Care - Ontario
Project: K2P: Integrating the Use of Research Evidence in Decision-Making at Saint Elizabeth Health Care

Denise Mauger, Directeur, Développement organisationnel et adjoint au D.G., Institut de réadaptation de Montréal - Quebec
Project: Implementing a Long-Term Organizational Development Strategy

Heather McPherson, Chief of Health Disciplines, Professional Advisory Committee, Sunnybrook & Women's College Health Sciences Centre - Ontario
Project: A Women's Health Institute Model for Sunnybrook & Women's and Beyond

Patricia O'Connor, Associate Director of Nursing, Montreal Neurological Hospital, McGill University Health Centre - Quebec
Project: Increasing Patient Safety by Reducing Risk Related to Falls and Other Adverse Events

Jean-Claude Plourde, Directeur général, CLSC Mer et Montagnes - Québec
Project: Responsibilities and Influential Relationships of Executives in Developing an Integrated Services Network in a Rural Setting

Linda Sawchenko, Site Director, Kootenay Boundary Regional Hospital, Interior Health - British Columbia
Project: Introducing Advanced Practice Registered Nurses to Promote Primary Healthcare in Rural British Columbia

Corinne Schalm, Vice-President, Business Planning & Resources, Shepherd's Care Foundation - Alberta
Project: Development and Implementation of a Balanced Scorecard

Iain Smith, Pharmacy Manager, Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Prince Edward Island
Project: An Evidence-Based Functional Plan for the Integration of Institutional-Based Pharmacy Services into a Regional Health Care System

Susan Smith, President, Wayfinder Consulting Incorporated - Nova Scotia
Project: Physician Resource Planning - Impact Assessment

Steven Soroka, Associate Professor, Division of Nephrology, Capital District Health Authority - Nova Scotia
Project: Determining and Implementing Components of an Electronic Data Management System to Enhance Management of Chronic Kidney Disease in Nova Scotia

Lynn Stevenson, Leader, Professional Practice/Chief Nursing Officer, Fraser Health Authority - British Columbia
Project: Patient Safety: Moving from Theory to Practice

Vincent Tam, Directeur des Services de Réadaptation, Hôpital de Réadaptation Lindsay - Québec
Project: Application of the Case-Mixed Group Model in Neurology Client Triage and Referral

James Worthington, Vice-President, Medical Affairs, The Ottawa Hospital - Ontario
Project: With Service Reductions at Hospitals During Christmas/New Year, What are the Savings and how is Access and Quality Affected?

Brock Wright, Chief Operating Officer, Health Sciences Centre and Vice President & Chief Medical Officer, Winnipeg Regional Health Authority - Manitoba
Project: Striving for Excellence in Patient Care