Program Overview :

  • Nursing Home Without Walls

Nursing Homes Without Walls Participating Teams

The Nursing Homes Without Walls (NHWW) program, a partnership with Healthcare Excellence Canada, the Government of New Brunswick Department of Social Development and the Université de Moncton’s Research Centre on Aging is supporting sites from across New Brunswick to enable older adults to age in place.

Map of New Brunswick representing the communities currently supported by Nursing Homes Without Walls.

Meet the teams

As of April 2024, the following sites are currently supported by NHWW: 

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Promising Practices for Enabling Aging in Place

Read short summaries of promising practices that are enabling older adults to age in place across the country.

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Promising Practices for Enabling Aging in Place

Read short summaries of promising practices that are enabling older adults to age in place across the country.

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