Virtual Care Resources for Members of the Public 

Virtual care is new to most of us. Asking questions of your healthcare provider or asking someone to join you in your virtual visit, however, is still just the same.  

In 2020, we worked with the Canadian Medical Association to develop two virtual care checklists and a virtual visit infographic to help you prepare for and make the most of your virtual visits. Note that there are some symptoms for which it’s best to book an in-person visit with your healthcare provider (see the infographic for more details). 


Preparing for a virtual visit
​During your virtual visit

How to Make the Most of Your Virtual Visit 

Get comfortable with the technology before your visit. Be set up in front of your computer, tablet, or smartphone at least 10 minutes before your visit.

Get organized and have your lists ready: Symptoms, Allergies, Medications / vitamins, Treatments or past procedures, Questions

Did you know? Patients who ask questions and take an active role are more satisfied with their care and see greater improvement in their health than patients who don’t.

Symptoms not suitable for virtual care include but aren't limited to: Ear pain, Chest pain, Loss of vision or hearing, Cough, Shortness of breath, Abdominal or digestive problems

© 2020 Canadian Medical Association. Reproduced by Healthcare Excellence Canada with permission.