Jan Byrd (Director of Health Policy at HEC) photographed with International Educated Healthcare Workers Policy Lab participants Jean Amour, Shaymaa Elbadawy, Monika Balhara, Damilola Iduye, Jenny Maevski, and Aparna Gandhi in Halifax, NS in January 2024.”

Policy Considerations for the Retention of Internationally Educated Healthcare Workers (IEHW)

There are ongoing efforts across Canada to recruit and retain internationally educated healthcare workers (IEHW) to address the health human resources (HHR) crisis in Canada.

The retention of IEHW can contribute to safe, high-quality health services, a stable workforce for the long term and help attract future cohorts of IEHW to Canada. In January 2024, a Policy Lab on the retention of IEHW took place at the Nova Scotia Innovation Hub in Halifax, Nova Scotia, to unpack the challenges, explore solutions and ultimately, work towards achieving this goal.

The policy lab drew upon the perspectives of a wide range of partners, with forty-one participants from across Canada collaborating to review the research evidence and to co-design the development of appropriate policy solutions and multi-sectoral strategies.

Learn more about the Policy Considerations Report (PDF 600 KB)


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