Patient Partner Recognition Guide

Healthcare Excellence Canada (HEC) is committed to engaging patients, caregivers and communities to ensure that their lived experience and priorities drive our work to improve the safety and quality in healthcare.

We value the expertise of patient partners and are committed to offering meaningful recognition to those who choose to partner with us.

Why it Matters

At HEC, we value the time, energy, and contributions that patient partners make to our work, and value lived experience perspectives as knowledge and expertise. We are dedicated to taking an equity-oriented approach to recognition and compensation. This includes flexibility and choice in how recognition is received, considering compensation equity, and working to decrease barriers to engagement.

This approach to recognition is grounded in HEC’s Guiding Principles of Engagement and was co-developed with patient partners from across the country.

How it works

Recognition takes many forms, one of which is compensation. The patient partner recognition guidance identifies rates for honorarium and compensation aligned with the ‘ways’ of engaging in HEC’s Patient Engagement Framework  

There are multiple ways to engage with us based on your availability, experience and interests. Each engagement level has an associated compensation tier, reflecting the role and level of decision-making involved. Below is a list of the different tiers, along with examples of engagement and the level of decision-making associated with each tier: 

Inform: Compensation is not provided

Example: Receiving HEC and external patient engagement opportunities via email. 

Consult: $0 or $25/hour

Example: Participating in a focus group to provide feedback on the initial draft of HEC’s patient engagement framework. Time commitment: 2 hours. $50 honorarium offered. 

Involve: $40.00/hour

Example: Providing insights into the analysis and implications of two evidence scans related to HEC’s understanding of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Time commitment: 14 hours. Compensation of $560 offered. 

Collaborate: $50.00/hour

Example: Membership on the ‘Co-design’ Project Team, tasked with making recommendations to HEC’s senior leadership regarding patient engagement and partnership. Compensation rate: $50/hour. Anticipated time commitment: 40 hours over 6 months. 

Lead: $60.00/hour and up**

Example: Co-delivering a virtual presentation related to patient engagement and partnership with an HEC staff member. Compensation rate: $60/hour. Anticipated time commitment: 8 hours. 

**At HEC, patient partners often serve as coaches and/or faculty in various programs, initiatives, and activities across the organization. These specific roles have a distinct recognition and compensation framework. 

HEC is committed to learning and growing our engagement practices in alignment with the perspectives and priorities of patients, caregivers and communities. 

We invite you to connect and share your thoughts with us at

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