Healthcare Excellence Canada welcomes two new Directors to its Board

September 26, 2024

Healthcare Excellence Canada welcomes two new Directors to its Board

Today we’re announcing the election of two new Directors to serve on our Board of Directors. Antoine Désilets and Antoine Groulx were elected during the annual general meeting on September 25.

Meet the new Directors:

  • Antoine Désilets is the Executive Director of the Société Santé en français. He also serves on the Boards of the Centre d’appui et de prevention and the Vanier Community Service Centre.
  • Antoine Groulx is a family physician, clinical leader, and full professor at Université Laval. He has served on a variety of Boards, including the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Collège québécois des médecins de famille.

“Since 2011, my professional career has been dedicated to advancing equity in healthcare,” says Antoine Désilets. “I hope to bring this experience to the table and support HEC’s commitment to culturally safe and equitable care for everyone in Canada.”

“By joining the Board of Directors of HEC, I hope to continue supporting improvements in our healthcare systems, particularly by giving patients and citizens a genuine role as partners,”
says Antoine Groulx.

Welcoming New Expertise

“I’m excited to welcome both Antoine Désilets and Antoine Groulx as new members of HEC’s Board,” says Board Chair Blair O’Neill. “HEC’s governance will no doubt benefit from Antoine Désilets’ experience working in community organizations using grassroots approaches and the perspectives on quality and safety that Antoine Groulx has gained as a physician, researcher and health leader.”

Thanking Our Outgoing Directors

The Board extends its gratitude to two outgoing Directors for their service:

  • Sue Owen, the President and CEO of Impreza Consulting, a boutique consultancy focused on strategy, patient experience and executive facilitation. She joined the Canadian Patient Safety Institute’s Board prior to HEC’s creation and served as Vice-Chair since last year.
  • David Price, a health system improvement and patient safety champion and co-founder of the not-for-profit organization Greg’s Wings. He joined HEC’s inaugural Board in 2021, contributing a patient partner perspective to the organization’s governance.

“The Board and HEC as a whole are grateful to both Sue and David for their valuable contributions and commitment to our mandate over the last several years,” says Blair O’Neill.

HEC’s volunteer Board of Directors is a diverse group of leaders, all passionate about improving healthcare with – and for – everyone in Canada.