In this webinar series :

  • Webinar series: Broadening our understanding of harm, together

Webinar Series: Broadening our understanding of harm, together

Recognizing and reducing harm is essential to creating safety for all. But what is healthcare harm? How and why does it happen? Who does it impact — and how? Join the discussion as our panelists discuss healthcare harm and safety.

Webinars will be held before, during, and after Canadian Patient Safety Week, focusing on experiences of healthcare harm from multiple perspectives and settings.

Webinars in this series

Getting ready for CPSW: Moving to action

September 12, 2024, 12:00 p.m.–1:30 p.m. ET

This webinar will help broaden your understanding of healthcare harm. Plus, learn about a practical and engaging activity that can stimulate discussion and thoughtful reflection with your teams.

Learn more

More information on additional webinars for this year’s campaign is coming soon!