Patient Partnership Open House

February 19, 2025, 2:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m. ET 

We’re continuously welcoming new patients, caregivers and community members from across the country to partner with Healthcare Excellence Canada (HEC). Are you a patient partner interested in engaging with us to improve the quality and safety of care in Canada?

Join us for an open house to learn more about HEC’s commitment to patient partnership and engagement, why you should partner with us, how we approach engagement and the Patient Partner Network. 

Register to attend

We’ll be offering more open house opportunities in the coming months to continuously welcome new members to partner with HEC. Patients, caregivers and community members interested in partnering with us are encouraged to sign up for the Patient Partner Network.


  • Katherine Dib, Patient Partner, Patient Safety, Equity & Engagement, Healthcare Excellence Canada
  • Adrienne Zarem, Patient Partner, Patient Safety, Equity & Engagement, Healthcare Excellence Canada
  • Anja Lanz, Patient/Caregiver Partner

Related resources


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